After the more than positive experience of 2013, CIAL will be back again at this year’s Dynamo Bike Challenge, a cycling competition held to raise funds for Dynamo Camp, Italy’s first Recreational Therapy Camp, where children and teenagers between the ages of 6 and 17 suffering from severe chronic illnesses are invited to enjoy a completely free holiday at summer camp.
CIAL send 17 cyclists to the first competition, held in 2013, placing first as the team that raised the most money. This year’s team of 21 cyclists will join 16 other teams, a total of 111 cyclists, to race for the children at Dynamo Camp.
The CIAL ALUMINIUM RECYCLING TEAM is back this year with an even bigger team of amateur racers, all women aged 30 to 50: they are executives, doctors, professionals in the service industry and other sectors, office workers and mothers, all sharing a common passion for cycling and love of the environment, who will be wearing the CIAL shirt to promote environmental issues and recycling of aluminium, a material that is 100% recyclable an infinite number of times.
The competition is scheduled for May 24th and 25th in Tuscany.
The routes are chosen to be scenic and technically stimulating yet feasible for bike tourists.
On Saturday, May 24th the leg open to amateur racers, about 115 km long, will take place between Lucca and Limestre, where the Dynamo Camp is located. The section open to bike tourists starts in Lucca and ends in Montecatini, a total of about 40 km.
On Sunday, May 25th there will be three possible routes, various portions of a ring starting and ending at the Dynamo Camp in Limestre, passing through Campotizzoro, Prataccio, La Lima, Piano degli Ontani, San Marcello Pistoiese: a 90 km route with an elevation gain of 844 metres; a medium route of 50 km with an elevation gain of 548 metres; and a short route suitable for bike tourists, 20 km long with a 239 metre elevation gain.
Here are some figures on the 2013 Dynamo Camp, now in its seventh year: 1,163 children offered completely free holidays at the camp with Recreational Therapy programmes; 157 families involved in the initiative; 17 year-round programmes; guests with 54 pathologies, prevalently onco-haematological and neurological pathologies and diabetes; a network of 72 hospitals and 50 pathology associations in Italy and abroad; a staff of 49 employees plus 54 seasonal staff members; 20 doctors and 25 nurses participating in Dynamo Camp programmes during the year; 620 volunteers who contribute their time, their minds and their hearts.
Registration is open at