Separate Collection of Aluminium

Aluminium: how and what to collect

Aluminium packaging in Italy is always collected together with other packaging materials, with very few exceptions of places where metals are collected separately.

There are therefore basically three types of collection:

LIGHT MULTI-MATERIAL: aluminium and steel metal packaging is collected together with plastic packaging

HEAVY MULTI-MATERIAL:  aluminium and steel metal packaging is collected together with plastic and glass packaging

GLASS – METALS:  aluminium and steel metal packaging is collected together with glass packaging

Depending on the municipality where you reside, the collection system may also change in the following ways:

  • collection in street bins
  • collection through home pick-up
  • mixed collection: street bins + home pick-up

To find out how the separate collection of aluminium packaging is organised in your area, contact the Environment Office of your municipality.

Below is a complete list of aluminium packaging that must be separated in the home and collected separately according to your municipality’s separate collection system.